
Causes of Neck Pain

More and more people are finding their way into chiropractic offices due to neck pain as the unusual stresses from using our devices, our work from home ergonomics, and over all life stress take a toll on the structures of our neck.

We all think that neck pain must be that we bulged, herniated, or ruptured a disc. Thankfully this is not usually the case. Although any abnormal, be it acute or chronic, stress to your neck or spine can cause damage to the disc, the reason for your pain is usually muscular or joint in origin. Small muscles in the neck become spasmed, or tight, in response to this stress. This then decreases the movement, misaligns that joint causing it to impinge, get inflamed, and cause pain. That misaligned, or subluxated joint, has a tremendous effect on your mobility, pain, and most importantly, the function of the nerves in that area. Our skilled MCR Chiropractic chiropractors are ready to help relieve your neck pain. Contact our MCR Chiropractic clinics today for pain relief.


Hear What Our Patients Are Saying

I was having a lot of discomfort and decreased movement in my neck. MCR was able to see me within a few days of calling. Just after a few visits, I was feeling amazing! Would definitely recommend giving MCR a try.

– Kelli H.

Dr.Julio Cruz, a chiropractor, deserves 10 stars, not just five. I came in with stiff neck, pain in the middle back and lower back. He fixed my neck, and middle back at the first visit and my lower back has been fixed 90%. I have been seeing him for the past 2 weeks, 3x a week. I feel flexible, smooth,…

– I.F.B.

Neck Pain Treatment & Relief at MCR Chiropractic

Chiropractic looks at all of the causes of your neck pain by taking a detailed history, performing a thorough examination, and performing imaging, or referral out, when needed. By addressing neck pain this way, chiropractic can effectively reduce the pain, fix the underlying problem and keep you functioning with no or very little pain and increased overall function. By treating the muscle spasm, and gently adjusting the subluxated joint, pain is relieved, mobility is improved and your nerves are able to work with less interruption or irritation

Rest, ice or heat therapy will help temporarily decrease the symptoms, but may not address the underlying cause or dysfunction allowing for a return of pain a short time after. Perform these acts until you can get in to see one of our chiropractors in a clinic most convenient for you.

Regain and Maintain Your Health with MCR Chiropractic